Coming in 2015
After a successful 2014 air show season we were out of the blocks early in 2015 to catch The Red Arrows during a spot of winter training at Scampton. This was followed up with an eventful night shoot at The Yorkshire Air Museum. The engine runs on the Devon and Dakota didn't go entirely to plan but it was good to get up close to the Handley Page Halifax and Mosquito as well as meet a Halifax veteran from the war.
Other work in the early part of the year included a couple of works for the Moravia Sea King project, The Peoples Mosquito and The Bomber Command Memorial charities and a close working relationship is being developed on those fronts. Details of all three charities can be found at the bottom of the page.
Looking forward to the month of April and we will hopefully be able to bring news of an interesting working partnership with two squadrons of the RAF and of course shots from the Battle of Britain PDA day towards the end of the month.
2015 is shaping up to be a real great year for aviation and Airpower Art.
Mosquito return to flight -
Help save a Sea King -